Gee, I've been a lazy lazy blogger...sorry! Let's end the laziness by participating to another
Pintester movement. This time the goal was to re-attempt one of the "pin-tests" Sonja Froust had already done in her blog. I chose
this post with the
The main reason of choosing this post was that it came first on my mind from all of Pintester's. I had a fade memory of it being a cute and simple craft and easily adjustable to a cat toy ( = no time wasted on a craft which no-one needs if someone furry will play with it). I had a pair of knee-high socks I had worn 10 times during the last decade so it was about time to give them a new life. To make the socktopus kitty-play -material I added some dried catnip inside the pus.
For your own socktopus you will need:
1. A regular or knee-high sock
2. Scissors
3. Fabric for stuffing
4. A sew kit or at least thred or string
(5. dried catnip if you're making a cat toy)
Roll up the sock. It's easier to get stuffed.
Folded fabric cutted from a bigger piece.
Jam the fabric into the sock. This hand position was the best way to get things done btw.
Pour in a generous amount of catnip
Now you'll have this/these.
Twist the thread multiple times around the socktopus's neck making several knots along the way.
Sew buttons (especially if you're making a child's toy/a mascot). I have wathced over my cats when they play with socktopus so they don't accidentally swallow the buttons!
Cut the tentacles. 8 would be perfect but gladly cats can't count :D
Soooo, you're perhaps wondering did my cats like the socktopussies? Well...
Hali (on the background) couldn't care less. Papu was slightly interested...
After a while she also thought "meh"
She then dragged the 'pus inside from the balcony and used it as a pillow for her afternoon naps.
My reaction to their reactions:
Mommy's little helpers... not.
Don't forget to follow my boards on Pinterest! :3