I'll be writing in English for this post 'cause I'm taking part to the Pintester movement from Sonja Froust's blog
The basic idea of the Pintester movement is to challenge bloggers/Pinterest users to test a pin they have pinned to their boards but haven't had the time or made the effort to do it. (Here is the list of other people's attempts) I chose this neat nail decor I pinned maybe a month ago:
Okay, seems easy and looks really cute. This should work, right? After all, it's from Oriflame! So first, a base coat of clear nail polish:
Then I applied 2 layers of bright yellow cheap ass nail polish (help me and send me more colors and brands, I have only 3 different kinds of nails polish at the moment :( Email me to milssi.naamakirja@gmail.com :> )
This is how interesting my cats think I am... |
*pinch!* |
Something for the nerds out there :D |
I forgot to take pictures from applying the hand gel, but I put a small amount to a cup and dipped my fingernails there. It felt chilly. I then took my pre-cut newspaper strips and pressed them to my nail. I used the weather section, because we're going to Spain on Sunday and I wanted sunny nails ^.^
First the thumb. That's the largest canvas so your possible fails show off more clearly. |
...then had a smudged fingernail with no ink on it. Tried this to other fingers too and I have to say that this doesn't work. Or I just FAILED Tell your tips at the comments :)
Actually I failed twice for this post. You see, I'm a fan of Sonja's blog and tried to express it with my pintest-nails. "Smudgy nails, what should I do... I know, make tiny hearts on them and then be a creepy fangirl for Sonja Froust!" Must say the creepy part went perfectly:
They're hearts, okay? -__- |
Don't forget to follow my boards on Pinterest! :3
Live long and prosper! OK, I got the nerd joke. Thanks for testing this, now I don't need to!
VastaaPoistaYou're welcome :>
PoistaI always wondered if this would work. Great result. I think. /gigglesnort
VastaaPoistaxx Ren from Renlish.com
I LOVE your kitty photo!! You are lucky they were ignoring you- mine would have been all up on the table, knocking over the nail polish!
VastaaPoistaFortunately our kitties dig the outdoors more than beauty-tips :)
PoistaThese nails must just be doomed to fail because they don't seem to work for anyone! Nice try, though! Have fun in Spain! :)
VastaaPoista-A Finn in America
Haaa! I tried that one too and it turned out about the same! ;) Thanks for participating!
VastaaPoistaI think you have to drink a cocktail and THEN it will work. Totally joking. Ethne from Wom-Mom Blog
VastaaPoistaOr atleast I would think that the nails are fabulous and other people don't know that I'm a trend-setter :D
PoistaI think I see more failed attempts at nail polish pins than successes. Makes you wonder if it's a single super nail polisher posting them all.
VastaaPoistaGreat pick on the sunny yellow nails though.
I think this is a pin to just get people to drink when they fail. LOL
VastaaPoistaMy friend got it to work, and she is the only one i know so far in person. She used really junky vodka tho? Maybe that's the trick?
VastaaPoistaWell...I like the color yellow! :)